Sheri Amsel

Sheri Amsel’s science and bio-medical illustration background combined with her love of the outdoors led to writing and illustrating more than 30 children’s books on nature and science topics. She has visited more than 500 schools nationally with science programming or to help develop their own educational nature trails. In 2005, Sheri developed an illustrated life science website using the illustrations and content from her books: 

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  • Read with Daisy and Max:

    An innovative literacy program built around book vending machines (BVMs)

    Kids can dial up this number and record themselves reading to shelter dogs. Relaxing for kids to read and for the dogs when they hear the recordings!

  • Read Along Program:

    An innovative literacy program built around book vending machines (BVMs)Kids can read along to the book being read aloud to improve at home reading fluency.

  • Bookchatting

    Invite community members to read one-on-one with students with this handy app. Or host your author visit with the book presented virtually.

    Read online here

    Readeo link 
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