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Eifrig Publishing / Emerging Reader

Stardust Child

Stardust Child

by Joann Leonard /

Illustrated by William Schroder

Why? What? Where? How?

Kids are full of questions as their minds are busy figuring out the intricacies and immensities of themselves and their universe. Stardust Child was inspired by the words of renowned astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson.

“We are biologically connected to everything in the world. We are all, not figuratively, but literally, made of stardust.”

The story of Stardust Child celebrates that we all share the same essence despite limiting labels and cultural differences. Picture by picture, the story instills the concept of our oneness, our ecological interdependence, and the unique light that each of us brings to the world.

Keep asking questions!


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Joann Leonard

Joann Rose Leonard was Texas-raised and has the chigger bite scars to prove it. She was theatre-trained and frostbitten at Northwestern University before working as an actress in New York and Paris. She raised 9 kids (2 human and 7 goats) in Pennsylvania, where she was founder and director of the MetasStages youth theatre program at Penn State University. She lived in California with her husband until recently passing.

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