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Diane Huang / Fluent Reader



by Diana Huang /

Illustrated by

Katie Mah is a girl from the suburbs of Southern California. She was not having a good time living away from home for the first time during 6th grade science camp up in the mountains. Other kids can be very mean but this was nothing compared to the creatures she had to fight or befriend on Alpha Centauri.
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Diana Huang

Born in Southern California to Chinese-American immigrant parents, she struggled academically and socially in her k-6 years. But ever since kindergarten, she had developed a strong passion for the visual arts that brought joy, friendship, and meaning to her life. Eventually, she went on to study at University of Southern California(BFA Fine Art, 2001) and then later at Otis College of Art & Design(BFA Digital Media, 2007). She has been working in various art and non-art industries while also creating her own stories from her own story worlds.

Since 2003, Diana Huang has also been teaching art to pass on the knowledge, experiences, and passion for the arts through an Intro to Cartooning class every Sunday at Irvine Chinese School. She went on to get a Masters in Teaching Degree from USC(2015) so she could be a better art teacher, and teacher in general. She tutors in academic subjects from k-12, leads workshops, summer camp sessions, and stays connected to all kinds of people around th

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